Developmental Resources for Pharmacy - Education

Webpage last updated: 12/07/2024

This section signposts to a selection of resources that enable pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to develop and enhance their skills as educators in the education, training, and development of others.

Other training may be available elsewhere through other routes and providers.

Supervisor training

Information on NHS England Workforce Training & Education (WT&E) commissioned training and resources for the development of supervisors can be found on the ‘Supervision’ tab within the Workforce and Quality section of the Pharmacy London website.


CPPE Supervisor resources

CPPE provide a selection of resources to support educators and trainers.

Coaching & Mentoring

Below are a selection of various webpages and resources available to support development of mentoring and coaching skills.


CPPE – Coaching support

CPPE coaching service is available to support users with defined work-related goals that need to be achieved within a supportive framework and a set timescale.


NHS Elect – Mentoring Course

An online introduction to mentoring course


RPS Mentoring support

Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) mentoring website provides access to resources to support mentoring skills and the RPS mentoring platform .

You will need to be a member of the RPS to access their mentoring platform.


NHS Leadership Academy – Coaching & mentoring

A coaching and mentoring scheme created to enhance a leader’s journey through the system.


Pharmacy London – Mentoring case studies resource

A collection of case studies from pharmacists working across sectors exploring mentoring styles and structures and how individuals adopted and implemented these in their organisations.


Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Inclusive Pharmacy Practice Talent Resource Tool

Further coaching and mentoring resources are available through the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Inclusive Pharmacy Practice Talent Resource Tool below. The tables indicate whether the programme is available for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.