Pre-Registration Trainee Pharmacy Technicians

Welcome to the HEE London and South East Pre-registration Training Pharmacy Technician information page. 

Pre-Registration Trainee Pharmacy Technicians (PTPTs) are trained within the workplace and complete a 2 year training programme, the Level 3 Diploma in the Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Technicians commencing in early 2020. This qualification will enable registration as a Pharmacy Technician with the GPhC.

The role of Pharmacy Technicians is continually evolving with many new roles being developed, this is a very exciting time to join the profession. Pharmacy Technician roles are pivotal in supporting patients with making the most of their medicines

Trainee Change Form

It is important that we have up-to-date information on all trainees, including current placement information, educational supervisors’ details and contact details. Please complete the form below to inform us of any changes.

Pre-Registration Trainee Pharmacy Technicians

Benjamin Smith, APTUK/AAH Pre-Registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician of the Year
2017 - East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust  has written some hints and tips that helped him on his way to completing his placement.  

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Your Training Placement 

Once you have accepted a position within one of our LaSE trusts, your education lead within the department will provide you with a robust induction and they should be your first point of contact. Your learning will be within the workplace and  you will be provided with an educational plan that details your learning linked to your college and assessment work. 
The LaSE Pharmacy Team work closely with trusts and below describes some of the key functions we are responsible for which are linked to the PTPT role. 


HEE contribute towards your salary and pay the education costs to the providers.

Progression and Support

The two year programme is extremely rewarding and may seem fast paced at times, to ensure you are adequately supported, we have processes in place to support you. Our benchmark for progression from year 1 to year 2 is to successfully complete your first year of underpinning knowledge and a minimum of 35% of your NVQ. If you are not progressing towards this benchmark our Trainees Requiring Additional Support processes are there to support you. 

Trainees Requiring Additional Support (TRAS)

From time to time, trainees may require extra help and support. Please access more information below. 


We have a key role in ensuring trainees are in safe learning environments. The NHS is busy and the role of a trainee that learns on the job is essential, however the balance needs to be right, and you should be supported through your education programme. HEE will not stipulate how much time your trust should allocate to individual study, this should be discussed and agreed with your Educational Supervisor. Remember that you are continually learning and will have direct access to a whole range of healthcare staff that can support your development. Ask questions and get involved. 
In order to improve and drive up quality we have a variety of ways to gather feedback from our trainees including yearly surveys and ensuring the trainees voices are heard in local educational meetings. Speak to your Educational Supervisor if you are interested in being involved in the trainee representative role.


There is a wealth of information and resources available to you, see below for further details. 

The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) is the independent regulator for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy premises in Great Britain. Access their website below for more information for pharmacy technicians.

The Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK) is the professional leadership body for pharmacy technicians and exists to ensure the voice of the pharmacy technicians is head. Access their website below to find out more about what they do.  They offer free membership whilst you are a PTPT so make sure you get signed up.